86-0755-2308 9121 Focus on Message
Mobile: +86 15170990426

Leopard Power 850mAh...


Spacing: Leopard Power 850mAh...

Product model: LP850/20-2S LiF...

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Leopard Power 1450mA...


Spacing: Leopard Power 1450mA...

Product model: LP1450/20-2S Li...

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Leopard Power 2100mA...


Spacing: Leopard Power 2100mA...

Product model: LP2100/20-2S Li...

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Leopard Power 3800mA...


Spacing: Leopard Power 3800mA...

Product model: LP3800/20-2S Li...

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Company address : 5F,NO.906 Meilong Rd,Minzhi Sub-district,Shenzhen,518000 P.R.China

Factory address: Qijiang Industrial Park, Chongqing, P.R.China

  • Tel: 86-0755-2308 9121
  • The contact: Sales Team
  • Fax: 86-0755-2308 6535
  • Email: sales03@leopard-power.com
  • Mobile: +86 15170990426

Qijiang Industial Park, Chongqing, P.R.China    Technical support: LtdHLM Net WorkHLM Net Work